1. TGI model minimal workflow with brms


Daniel Sabanés Bové

Francois Mercier



The purpose of this document is to show a minimal workflow for fitting a TGI model using the brms package.

Setup and load data

First we need to load the necessary packages and set some default options for the MCMC sampling. We also set the theme for the plots to theme_bw with a base size of 12.

Show the code

if (require(cmdstanr)) {
  # If cmdstanr is available, instruct brms to use cmdstanr as backend 
  # and cache all Stan binaries
  options(brms.backend = "cmdstanr", cmdstanr_write_stan_file_dir = here("_brms-cache"))
  dir.create(here("_brms-cache"), FALSE) # create cache directory if not yet available
} else {
  rstan::rstan_options(auto_write = TRUE)

# MCMC options
options(mc.cores = 4)
ITER <- 1000 # number of sampling iterations after warm up
WARMUP <- 2000 # number of warm up iterations
REFRESH <- 500

theme_set(theme_bw(base_size = 12))

We also need a small function definition, which is still missing in brms:

Show the code
int_step <- function(x) {
  ifelse(x, 1, 0)

We will use the publicly published tumor size data from the OAK study, see here. In particular we are using the S1 data set, which is the fully anonymized data set used in the publication. For simplicity, we have copied the data set in this GitHub repository.

Show the code
file_path <- here("data/journal.pcbi.1009822.s006.xlsx")

read_one_sheet <- function(sheet) {
    read_excel(file_path, sheet = sheet) |> 
    clean_names() |> 
        id = factor(as.character(patient_anonmyized)),
        day = as.integer(treatment_day),
        year = day / 365.25,
        target_lesion_long_diam_mm = case_match(
            "TOO SMALL TO MEASURE" ~ "2",
            "NOT EVALUABLE" ~ NA_character_,
            .default = target_lesion_long_diam_mm
        sld = as.numeric(target_lesion_long_diam_mm),
        sld = ifelse(sld == 0, 2, sld),
        study = factor(gsub("^Study_(\\d+)_Arm_\\d+$", "\\1", study_arm)),
        arm = factor(gsub("^Study_\\d+_Arm_(\\d+)$", "\\1", study_arm))
    ) |> 
    select(id, year, sld, study, arm)

tumor_data <- excel_sheets(file_path) |> 
    map(read_one_sheet) |> 

# A tibble: 6 × 5
  id                      year   sld study arm  
  <fct>                  <dbl> <dbl> <fct> <fct>
1 3657015667902160896 -0.00548    33 1     1    
2 3657015667902160896  0.101      33 1     1    
3 3657015667902160896  0.230      32 1     1    
4 3657015667902160896  0.342      37 1     1    
5 3657015667902160896  0.446      49 1     1    
6 2080619628198763008 -0.00548    12 1     1    
Show the code
                    id            year              sld        study   
 4308512445673410048 :  18   Min.   :-0.1314   Min.   :  2.0   1: 456  
 -4902532987801034752:  17   1st Qu.: 0.1123   1st Qu.: 17.0   2: 966  
 5394902984416364544 :  16   Median : 0.2847   Median : 30.0   3:2177  
 7160320731596789760 :  16   Mean   : 0.3822   Mean   : 36.1   4:4126  
 -4159496062492130816:  15   3rd Qu.: 0.5722   3rd Qu.: 49.0   5: 835  
 -7900338178541499392:  15   Max.   : 2.0753   Max.   :228.0           
 (Other)             :8463   NA's   :1         NA's   :69              
 3: 291  
 4: 608  
 5: 227  
 6: 611  

For simplicity, we will for now just use study 4 (this is the OAK study), and we rename the patient IDs:

Show the code
df <- tumor_data |> 
  filter(study == "4") |> 
  na.omit() |>
  droplevels() |> 
  mutate(id = factor(as.numeric(id)))

Here we have 701 patients. It is always a good idea to make a plot of the data. Let’s look at the first 20 patients e.g.:

Show the code
df |> 
  filter(as.integer(id) <= 20) |>
  ggplot(aes(x = year, y = sld, group = id)) +
  geom_line() +
  geom_point() +
  facet_wrap(~ id) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0, linetype = "dashed") +
  theme(legend.position = "none")

Stein-Fojo model

We start from the Stein-Fojo model as shown in the slides:

\[ y^{*}(t_{ij}) = \psi_{b_{0}i} \{\exp(- \psi_{k_{s}i} \cdot t_{ij}) + \exp(\psi_{k_{g}i} \cdot t_{ij}) - 1\} \]


We will make one more tweak here. If the time \(t\) is negative, i.e. the treatment has not started yet, then it is reasonable to assume that the tumor cannot shrink yet. Therefore, the final model for the mean SLD is:

\[ y^{*}(t_{ij}) = \begin{cases} \psi_{b_{0}i} \exp(\psi_{k_{g}i} \cdot t_{ij}) & \text{if } t_{ij} < 0 \\ \psi_{b_{0}i} \{\exp(-\psi_{k_{s}i} \cdot t_{ij}) + \exp(\psi_{k_{g}i} \cdot t_{ij}) - 1\} & \text{if } t_{ij} \geq 0 \end{cases} \]


For the likelihood given the mean SLD \(y^{*}\), we will assume a normal distribution with a constant coefficient of variation \(\tau\):

\[ y(t_{ij}) \sim \text{N}(y^{*}(t_{ij}), y^{*}(t_{ij})\tau) \]

Note that for consistency with the brms and Stan convention, here we denote the standard deviation as the second parameter of the normal distribution. So in this case, the variance would be \((y^{*}(t_{ij})\tau)^2\).

This can also be written as:

\[ y(t_{ij}) = (1 + \epsilon_{ij}) \cdot y^{*}(t_{ij}) \]

where \(\epsilon_{ij} \sim \text{N}(0, \tau)\).

Note that also the additive model is a possible choice, where

\[ y(t_{ij}) = y^{*}(t_{ij}) + \epsilon_{ij} \]

such that the error does not depend on the scale of the SLD any longer.

Random effects

Next, we define the distributions of the random effects \(\psi_{b_{0}i}\), \(\psi_{k_{s}i}\), \(\psi_{k_{g}i}\), for \(i = 1, \dotsc, n\):

\[ \begin{align*} \psi_{b_{0}i} &\sim \text{LogNormal}(\mu_{b_{0}}, \omega_{0}) \\ \psi_{k_{s}i} &\sim \text{LogNormal}(\mu_{k_{s}}, \omega_{s}) \\ \psi_{k_{g}i} &\sim \text{LogNormal}(\mu_{k_{g}}, \omega_{g}) \end{align*} \]

This can be rewritten as:

\[ \begin{align*} \psi_{b_{0}i} &= \exp(\mu_{b_{0}} + \omega_{0} \cdot \eta_{b_{0}i}) \\ \psi_{k_{s}i} &= \exp(\mu_{k_{s}} + \omega_{s} \cdot \eta_{k_{s}i}) \\ \psi_{k_{g}i} &= \exp(\mu_{k_{g}} + \omega_{g} \cdot \eta_{k_{g}i}) \end{align*} \]

where \(\eta_{b_{0}i}\), \(\eta_{k_{s}i}\), \(\eta_{k_{g}i}\) are the standard normal distributed random effects.

This is important for two reasons:

  1. This parametrization can help the sampler to converge faster. See here for more information.
  2. This shows a bit more explicitly that the population mean of the random effects is not equal to the \(\mu\) parameter, but to \(\theta = \exp(\mu + \omega^2 / 2)\), because they are log-normally distributed (see e.g. Wikipedia for the formulas). This is important for the interpretation of the parameter estimates.


Finally, we need to define the priors for the hyperparameters.

There are different principles we could use to define these priors:

  1. Non-informative priors: We could use priors that are as non-informative as possible. This is especially useful if we do not have any prior knowledge about the parameters. For example, we could use normal priors with a large standard deviation for the population means of the random effects.
  2. Informative priors: If we have some prior knowledge about the parameters, we can use this to define the priors. For example, if we have literature data about the \(k_g\) parameter estimate, we could use this to define the prior for the population mean of the growth rate. (Here we just need to be careful to consider the time scale and the log-normal distribution, as mentioned above)

Here we use relatively informative priors for the log-normal location parameters, motivated by prior analyses of the same study:

\[ \begin{align*} \mu_{b_{0}} &\sim \text{LogNormal}(\log(65), 1) \\ \mu_{k_{s}} &\sim \text{LogNormal}(\log(0.52), 0.1) \\ \mu_{k_{g}} &\sim \text{LogNormal}(\log(1.04), 1) \end{align*} \]

For all standard deviations we use truncated normal priors:

\[ \begin{align*} \omega_{0} &\sim \text{PositiveNormal}(0, 3) \\ \omega_{s} &\sim \text{PositiveNormal}(0, 3) \\ \omega_{g} &\sim \text{PositiveNormal}(0, 3) \\ \tau &\sim \text{PositiveNormal}(0, 3) \end{align*} \]

where \(\text{PositiveNormal}(0, 3)\) denotes a truncated normal distribution with mean \(0\) and standard deviation \(3\), truncated to the positive real numbers.

Fit model

We can now fit the model using brms. The structure is determined by the model formula:

Show the code
formula <- bf(sld ~ ystar, nl = TRUE) +
  # Define the mean for the likelihood:
    ystar ~ 
      int_step(year > 0) * 
        (b0 * (exp(-ks * year) + exp(kg * year) -  1)) +
      int_step(year <= 0) * 
        (b0 * exp(kg * year))
  ) +
  # Define the standard deviation (called sigma in brms) as a 
  # coefficient tau times the mean ystar.
  # sigma is modelled on the log scale though, therefore:
  nlf(sigma ~ log(tau) + log(ystar)) +
  # This line is needed to declare tau as a model parameter:
  lf(tau ~ 1) +
  # Define nonlinear parameter transformations:
  nlf(b0 ~ exp(lb0)) +
  nlf(ks ~ exp(lks)) +
  nlf(kg ~ exp(lkg)) +
  # Define random effect structure:
  lf(lb0 ~ 1 + (1 | id)) + 
  lf(lks ~ 1 + (1 | id)) +
  lf(lkg ~ 1 + (1 | id))

# Define the priors
priors <- c(
  prior(normal(log(65), 1), nlpar = "lb0"),
  prior(normal(log(0.52), 0.1), nlpar = "lks"),
  prior(normal(log(1.04), 1), nlpar = "lkg"),
  prior(normal(0, 3), lb = 0, nlpar = "lb0", class = "sd"),
  prior(normal(0, 3), lb = 0, nlpar = "lks", class = "sd"),
  prior(normal(0, 3), lb = 0, nlpar = "lkg", class = "sd"),
  prior(normal(0, 3), lb = 0, nlpar = "tau")

# Initial values to avoid problems at the beginning
n_patients <- nlevels(df$id)
inits <- list(
  b_lb0 = array(3.61),
  b_lks = array(-1.25),
  b_lkg = array(-1.33),
  sd_1 = array(0.58),
  sd_2 = array(1.6),
  sd_3 = array(0.994),
  b_tau = array(0.161),
  z_1 = matrix(0, nrow = 1, ncol = n_patients),
  z_2 = matrix(0, nrow = 1, ncol = n_patients),
  z_3 = matrix(0, nrow = 1, ncol = n_patients)

# Fit the model
save_file <- here("session-tgi/fit9.RData")
if (file.exists(save_file)) {
} else {
  fit <- brm(
    formula = formula,
    data = df,
    prior = priors,
    family = gaussian(),
    init = rep(list(inits), CHAINS),
    chains = CHAINS, 
    iter = ITER + WARMUP, 
    warmup = WARMUP, 
    seed = BAYES.SEED,
    refresh = REFRESH
  save(fit, file = save_file)

# Summarize the fit
 Family: gaussian 
  Links: mu = identity; sigma = log 
Formula: sld ~ eta 
         eta ~ int_step(year > 0) * (b0 * (exp(-ks * year) + exp(kg * year) - 1)) + int_step(year <= 0) * (b0 * exp(kg * year))
         sigma ~ log(tau) + log(eta)
         tau ~ 1
         b0 ~ exp(lb0)
         ks ~ exp(lks)
         kg ~ exp(lkg)
         lb0 ~ 1 + (1 | id)
         lks ~ 1 + (1 | id)
         lkg ~ 1 + (1 | id)
   Data: df (Number of observations: 4099) 
  Draws: 4 chains, each with iter = 3000; warmup = 2000; thin = 1;
         total post-warmup draws = 4000

Multilevel Hyperparameters:
~id (Number of levels: 701) 
                  Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
sd(lb0_Intercept)     0.58      0.02     0.55     0.61 1.00      689     1248
sd(lks_Intercept)     1.40      0.08     1.25     1.55 1.00      702     1586
sd(lkg_Intercept)     0.96      0.04     0.88     1.05 1.01      902     1750

Regression Coefficients:
              Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
tau_Intercept     0.16      0.00     0.16     0.17 1.00     2250     2892
lb0_Intercept     3.62      0.02     3.57     3.66 1.01      420      723
lks_Intercept    -0.86      0.08    -1.01    -0.72 1.00     1661     2415
lkg_Intercept    -1.20      0.07    -1.34    -1.08 1.01      676     1419

Draws were sampled using sample(hmc). For each parameter, Bulk_ESS
and Tail_ESS are effective sample size measures, and Rhat is the potential
scale reduction factor on split chains (at convergence, Rhat = 1).

Note that it is crucial to use here int_step() to properly define the two pieces of the linear predictor for negative and non-negative time values: If you used step() like I did for a few days, then you will have the wrong model! This is because in Stan, step(false) = step(0) = 1 and not 0 as you would expect. Only int_step(0) = 0 as we need it here.

Parameter estimates

Here we extract all parameter estimates using the as_draws_df method for brmsfit objects. Note that we could also just extract a subset of parameters, see ?as_draws.brmsfit for more information.

As mentioned above, we use the expectation of the log-normal distribution to get the population level estimates (called \(\theta\) with the corresponding subscript) for the \(b_0\), \(k_s\), and \(k_g\) parameters. We also calculate the coefficient of variation for each parameter.

Show the code
post_df <- as_draws_df(fit)
head(names(post_df), 10)
 [1] "b_tau_Intercept"        "b_lb0_Intercept"        "b_lks_Intercept"       
 [4] "b_lkg_Intercept"        "sd_id__lb0_Intercept"   "sd_id__lks_Intercept"  
 [7] "sd_id__lkg_Intercept"   "r_id__lb0[1,Intercept]" "r_id__lb0[2,Intercept]"
[10] "r_id__lb0[3,Intercept]"
Show the code
post_df <- post_df |>
    theta_b0 = exp(b_lb0_Intercept + sd_id__lb0_Intercept^2 / 2),
    theta_ks = exp(b_lks_Intercept + sd_id__lks_Intercept^2 / 2),
    theta_kg = exp(b_lkg_Intercept + sd_id__lkg_Intercept^2 / 2),
    omega_0 = sd_id__lb0_Intercept,
    omega_s = sd_id__lks_Intercept,
    omega_g = sd_id__lkg_Intercept,
    cv_0 = sqrt(exp(sd_id__lb0_Intercept^2) - 1),
    cv_s = sqrt(exp(sd_id__lks_Intercept^2) - 1),
    cv_g = sqrt(exp(sd_id__lkg_Intercept^2) - 1),
    sigma = b_tau_Intercept

For a graphical check of the convergence, we can use the mcmc_trace and mcmc_pairs functions from the bayesplot package:

Show the code
sf_pop_params <- c("theta_b0", "theta_ks", "theta_kg", "omega_0", "omega_s", "omega_g", "sigma")

mcmc_trace(post_df, pars = sf_pop_params)

Show the code
  pars = sf_pop_params,
  off_diag_args = list(size = 1, alpha = 0.1)

Next, we can create a nice summary table of the parameter estimates, using summarize_draws from the posterior package in combination with functions from the gt package:

Show the code
post_sum <- post_df |>
  select(theta_b0, theta_ks, theta_kg, omega_0, omega_s, omega_g, cv_0, cv_s, cv_g, sigma) |>
  summarize_draws() |>
  gt() |>
  fmt_number(n_sigfig = 3)
Warning: Dropping 'draws_df' class as required metadata was removed.
Show the code
variable mean median sd mad q5 q95 rhat ess_bulk ess_tail
theta_b0 44.0 44.0 1.03 1.01 42.3 45.7 1.00 423 726
theta_ks 1.13 1.12 0.104 0.101 0.972 1.32 1.00 445 915
theta_kg 0.476 0.475 0.0311 0.0318 0.426 0.528 1.00 941 1,320
omega_0 0.579 0.579 0.0162 0.0166 0.552 0.605 1.00 676 1,220
omega_s 1.40 1.40 0.0753 0.0745 1.28 1.52 1.00 699 1,560
omega_g 0.958 0.956 0.0446 0.0446 0.888 1.04 1.00 882 1,720
cv_0 0.631 0.631 0.0208 0.0212 0.597 0.665 1.00 676 1,220
cv_s 2.49 2.46 0.311 0.295 2.02 3.04 1.00 699 1,560
cv_g 1.23 1.22 0.0883 0.0869 1.10 1.39 1.00 882 1,720
sigma 0.161 0.161 0.00230 0.00229 0.157 0.165 1.00 2,190 2,860

We can also look at parameters for individual patients. This is simplified by using the spread_draws() function:

Show the code
# Understand the names of the random effects:
head(get_variables(fit), 10)
 [1] "b_tau_Intercept"        "b_lb0_Intercept"        "b_lks_Intercept"       
 [4] "b_lkg_Intercept"        "sd_id__lb0_Intercept"   "sd_id__lks_Intercept"  
 [7] "sd_id__lkg_Intercept"   "r_id__lb0[1,Intercept]" "r_id__lb0[2,Intercept]"
[10] "r_id__lb0[3,Intercept]"
Show the code
post_ind <- fit |> 
    r_id__lb0[id, ],
    r_id__lks[id, ],
    r_id__lkg[id, ]
  ) |> 
    b0 = exp(b_lb0_Intercept + r_id__lb0),
    ks = exp(b_lks_Intercept + r_id__lks),
    kg = exp(b_lkg_Intercept + r_id__lkg)
  ) |> 
    .chain, .iteration, .draw,
    id, b0, ks, kg    

Note that here we do not need to use the log-normal expectation formula, because we just calculate the individual random effects here, in contrast to the population level parameters above.

With this we can e.g. report the estimates for the first patient:

Show the code
post_sum_id1 <- post_ind |>
  filter(id == "1") |>
  summarize_draws() |>
  gt() |>
  fmt_number(n_sigfig = 3)
variable mean median sd mad q5 q95 rhat ess_bulk ess_tail
b0 43.3 42.8 4.80 4.35 36.5 52.2 1.00 9,080 2,890
ks 0.486 0.313 0.529 0.309 0.0392 1.50 1.00 6,300 3,140
kg 0.395 0.294 0.338 0.241 0.0620 1.04 1.00 7,690 3,080

Observation vs model fit

We can now compare the model fit to the observations. Let’s do this for the first 20 patients again.

Show the code
pt_subset <- as.character(1:20)
df_subset <- df |> 
  filter(id %in% pt_subset)

df_sim <- df_subset |> 
    id = pt_subset, 
    year = seq_range(year, 101)
  ) |>
  add_linpred_draws(fit) |> 
  median_qi() |> 
  mutate(sld_pred = .linpred)

df_sim |>
  ggplot(aes(x = year, y = sld)) +
  facet_wrap(~ id) +
    aes(y = sld_pred, ymin = .lower, ymax = .upper),
    alpha = 0.3, 
    fill = "deepskyblue"
  ) +
  geom_line(aes(y = sld_pred), color = "deepskyblue") +
  geom_point(data = df_subset, color = "tomato") +
  coord_cartesian(ylim = range(df_subset$sld)) +
  scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Greys") +
  labs(title = "SF model fit")

Summary statistics

The time-to-growth formula is:

\[ \max \left( \frac{ \log(k_s) - \log(k_g) }{ k_s + k_g }, 0 \right) \]

Similary, we can look at the tumor-ratio at time \(t\):

\[ \frac{y^{*}(t)}{y^{*}(0)} = \exp(-k_s \cdot t) + \exp(k_g \cdot t) - 1 \]

So with the posterior samples from above, we can calculate these statistics, separate for each patient, with the tumor-ratio e.g. for 12 weeks (and being careful with the year time scale we used in this model):

Show the code
post_ind_stat <- post_ind |> 
    ttg = pmax((log(ks) - log(kg)) / (ks + kg), 0),
    tr12 = exp(-ks * 12/52) + exp(kg * 12/52) - 1

Then we can look at e.g. the first 3 patients parameter estimates:

Show the code
post_ind_stat_sum <- post_ind_stat |>
  filter(id %in% c("1", "2", "3")) |>
  summarize_draws() |>
  gt() |>
  fmt_number(n_sigfig = 3)
variable mean median sd mad q5 q95 rhat ess_bulk ess_tail
b0 43.3 42.8 4.80 4.35 36.5 52.2 1.00 9,080 2,890
ks 0.486 0.313 0.529 0.309 0.0392 1.50 1.00 6,300 3,140
kg 0.395 0.294 0.338 0.241 0.0620 1.04 1.00 7,690 3,080
ttg 0.785 0.106 1.36 0.158 0 3.47 1.00 4,440 3,180
tr12 0.999 1.00 0.115 0.0834 0.809 1.18 1.00 5,740 3,400
b0 37.9 37.6 4.10 3.79 31.9 45.1 1.00 7,520 2,750
ks 0.396 0.246 0.491 0.237 0.0355 1.21 1.00 5,330 3,380
kg 0.548 0.416 0.445 0.357 0.0735 1.42 1.00 5,860 2,870
ttg 0.501 0 1.21 0 0 2.92 0.999 3,500 2,820
tr12 1.06 1.04 0.125 0.0939 0.886 1.29 1.00 5,810 3,220
b0 21.0 20.7 2.49 2.23 17.6 25.6 1.00 4,310 2,900
ks 1.00 0.817 0.662 0.541 0.229 2.34 1.00 2,930 2,760
kg 0.275 0.249 0.165 0.185 0.0529 0.575 1.00 3,480 2,790
ttg 1.50 1.01 1.39 0.681 0.418 4.27 1.00 4,440 2,740
tr12 0.869 0.884 0.0815 0.0720 0.709 0.980 1.00 3,170 2,920

Adding covariates

With brms it is straightforward to add covariates to the model. In this example, an obvious choice for a covariate is the treatment the patients received in the study:

Show the code
df |> 
  select(id, arm) |> 
  distinct() |>
  pull(arm) |> 

  1   2 
325 376 

Here it makes sense to assume that only the shrinkage and growth parameters differ systematically between the two arms. For example, the baseline SLD should be the same in expectation, because of the randomization between the treatment arms.

Therefore we can add this binary arm covariate as follows as a fixed effect for the two population level mean parameters \(\mu_{k_s}\) and \(\mu_{k_g}\) on the log scale:

Show the code
formula_by_arm <- bf(sld ~ ystar, nl = TRUE) +
  # Define the mean for the likelihood:
    ystar ~ 
      int_step(year > 0) * 
        (b0 * (exp(-ks * year) + exp(kg * year) -  1)) +
      int_step(year <= 0) * 
        (b0 * exp(kg * year))
  ) +
  # As above we also use these formulas here:
  nlf(sigma ~ log(tau) + log(ystar)) +
  lf(tau ~ 1) +
  # Define nonlinear parameter transformations:
  nlf(b0 ~ exp(lb0)) +
  nlf(ks ~ exp(lks)) +
  nlf(kg ~ exp(lkg)) +
  # Define random effect structure:
  lf(lb0 ~ 1 + (1 | id)) + 
  lf(lks ~ 1 + arm + (1 | id)) +
  lf(lkg ~ 1 + arm + (1 | id))

It is instructive to see that the Stan code that is generated in the background is actually identical to the previous model, except for the prior specification. This is because brms uses a design matrix to model the fixed effects, and the arm variable is just added to this design matrix, which before only contained the intercept column with 1s.

However, now the coefficient vector is no longer of length 1 but of length 2, with the first element corresponding to the intercept and the second element to the effect of the arm variable (for the level “2”). For the latter, we want to assume a standard normal prior on the log scale.

So we need to adjust the prior and initial values accordingly:

Show the code
priors_by_arm <- c(
  prior(normal(log(65), 1), nlpar = "lb0"),
  # Note the changes here:
  prior(normal(log(0.52), 0.1), nlpar = "lks", coef = "Intercept"),
  prior(normal(0, 1), nlpar = "lks", coef = "arm2"), 
  prior(normal(log(1.04), 1), nlpar = "lkg", coef = "Intercept"),
  prior(normal(0, 1), nlpar = "lkg", coef = "arm2"),
  # Same as before:
  prior(normal(0, 3), lb = 0, nlpar = "lb0", class = "sd"),
  prior(normal(0, 3), lb = 0, nlpar = "lks", class = "sd"),
  prior(normal(0, 3), lb = 0, nlpar = "lkg", class = "sd"),
  prior(normal(0, 3), lb = 0, nlpar = "tau")
inits_by_arm <- list(
  b_lb0 = array(3.61),
  # Note the changes here:
  b_lks = array(c(-1.25, 0)),
  b_lkg = array(c(-1.33, 0)),
  # Same as before:
  sd_1 = array(0.58),
  sd_2 = array(1.6),
  sd_3 = array(0.994),
  b_tau = array(0.161),
  z_1 = matrix(0, nrow = 1, ncol = n_patients),
  z_2 = matrix(0, nrow = 1, ncol = n_patients),
  z_3 = matrix(0, nrow = 1, ncol = n_patients)

Now we can fit the model as before:

Show the code
save_file <- here("session-tgi/fit10.RData")
if (file.exists(save_file)) {
} else {
  fit_by_arm <- brm(
    formula = formula_by_arm,
    data = df,
    prior = priors_by_arm,
    family = gaussian(),
    init = rep(list(inits_by_arm), CHAINS),
    chains = CHAINS, 
    iter = ITER + WARMUP, 
    warmup = WARMUP, 
    seed = BAYES.SEED,
    refresh = REFRESH
  save(fit_by_arm, file = save_file)
 Family: gaussian 
  Links: mu = identity; sigma = log 
Formula: sld ~ eta 
         eta ~ int_step(year > 0) * (b0 * (exp(-ks * year) + exp(kg * year) - 1)) + int_step(year <= 0) * (b0 * exp(kg * year))
         sigma ~ log(tau) + log(eta)
         tau ~ 1
         b0 ~ exp(lb0)
         ks ~ exp(lks)
         kg ~ exp(lkg)
         lb0 ~ 1 + (1 | id)
         lks ~ 1 + arm + (1 | id)
         lkg ~ 1 + arm + (1 | id)
   Data: df (Number of observations: 4099) 
  Draws: 4 chains, each with iter = 3000; warmup = 2000; thin = 1;
         total post-warmup draws = 4000

Multilevel Hyperparameters:
~id (Number of levels: 701) 
                  Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
sd(lb0_Intercept)     0.58      0.02     0.55     0.61 1.01      356      987
sd(lks_Intercept)     1.48      0.09     1.31     1.66 1.01      402      917
sd(lkg_Intercept)     0.97      0.05     0.88     1.07 1.01      323      789

Regression Coefficients:
              Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
tau_Intercept     0.16      0.00     0.16     0.17 1.00     1725     2755
lb0_Intercept     3.61      0.02     3.57     3.66 1.00      199      519
lks_Intercept    -0.78      0.09    -0.95    -0.61 1.00     1204     2303
lks_arm2         -0.40      0.16    -0.73    -0.09 1.01      383      823
lkg_Intercept    -1.26      0.11    -1.48    -1.05 1.01      494      853
lkg_arm2          0.03      0.13    -0.22     0.28 1.01      460      975

Draws were sampled using sample(hmc). For each parameter, Bulk_ESS
and Tail_ESS are effective sample size measures, and Rhat is the potential
scale reduction factor on split chains (at convergence, Rhat = 1).

Let’s have a look at the parameter estimates then:

Show the code
post_df_by_arm <- as_draws_df(fit_by_arm)
head(names(post_df_by_arm), 10)
 [1] "b_tau_Intercept"        "b_lb0_Intercept"        "b_lks_Intercept"       
 [4] "b_lks_arm2"             "b_lkg_Intercept"        "b_lkg_arm2"            
 [7] "sd_id__lb0_Intercept"   "sd_id__lks_Intercept"   "sd_id__lkg_Intercept"  
[10] "r_id__lb0[1,Intercept]"
Show the code
post_df_by_arm <- post_df_by_arm |>
    theta_b0 = exp(b_lb0_Intercept + sd_id__lb0_Intercept^2 / 2),
    theta_ks_arm1 = exp(b_lks_Intercept + sd_id__lks_Intercept^2 / 2),
    theta_ks_arm2 = exp(b_lks_Intercept + b_lks_arm2 + sd_id__lks_Intercept^2 / 2),
    theta_kg_arm1 = exp(b_lkg_Intercept + sd_id__lkg_Intercept^2 / 2),
    theta_kg_arm2 = exp(b_lkg_Intercept + b_lkg_arm2 + sd_id__lkg_Intercept^2 / 2),
    omega_0 = sd_id__lb0_Intercept,
    omega_s = sd_id__lks_Intercept,
    omega_g = sd_id__lkg_Intercept,
    cv_0 = sqrt(exp(sd_id__lb0_Intercept^2) - 1),
    cv_s = sqrt(exp(sd_id__lks_Intercept^2) - 1),
    cv_g = sqrt(exp(sd_id__lkg_Intercept^2) - 1),
    sigma = b_tau_Intercept

post_sum_by_arm <- post_df_by_arm |>
    theta_b0, theta_ks_arm1, theta_ks_arm2, theta_kg_arm1, theta_kg_arm2, 
    omega_0, omega_s, omega_g, cv_0, cv_s, cv_g, sigma
  ) |>
  summarize_draws() |>
  gt() |>
  fmt_number(n_sigfig = 3)
Warning: Dropping 'draws_df' class as required metadata was removed.
Show the code
variable mean median sd mad q5 q95 rhat ess_bulk ess_tail
theta_b0 43.9 43.9 1.10 1.11 42.1 45.8 1.00 195 515
theta_ks_arm1 1.39 1.36 0.193 0.178 1.11 1.74 1.01 396 841
theta_ks_arm2 0.925 0.918 0.112 0.108 0.755 1.12 1.00 306 814
theta_kg_arm1 0.456 0.454 0.0461 0.0456 0.382 0.535 1.01 575 1,000
theta_kg_arm2 0.469 0.468 0.0425 0.0423 0.402 0.544 1.00 496 923
omega_0 0.578 0.578 0.0161 0.0160 0.552 0.605 1.00 345 979
omega_s 1.48 1.48 0.0909 0.0899 1.33 1.63 1.01 397 900
omega_g 0.968 0.965 0.0485 0.0474 0.892 1.05 1.00 343 808
cv_0 0.630 0.630 0.0206 0.0205 0.597 0.665 1.00 345 979
cv_s 2.84 2.79 0.445 0.416 2.21 3.65 1.01 397 900
cv_g 1.25 1.24 0.0976 0.0929 1.10 1.43 1.00 343 808
sigma 0.161 0.161 0.00229 0.00230 0.157 0.165 1.00 1,700 2,710

So we see that the shrinkage is stronger in arm 1 compared to arm 2, while the growth rates are similar. We could also calculate the posterior probability that the growth rate is different between the two arms, for example:

Show the code
post_df_by_arm |>
  mutate(diff_pos = theta_ks_arm1 - theta_ks_arm2 > 0) |>
  summarize(diff_prob = mean(diff_pos))
# A tibble: 1 × 1
1     0.996

So we see that the posterior probability that the shrinkage rate is higher in arm 1 compared to arm 2 is quite high.

Model comparison with LOO

The LOO criterion is a widely used method for comparing models. It is based on the idea of leave-one-out cross-validation, but is more efficient to compute.

With brms, it is easy to compute the LOO criterion:

Show the code
Warning: Found 374 observations with a pareto_k > 0.7 in model 'fit'. We
recommend to set 'moment_match = TRUE' in order to perform moment matching for
problematic observations.

Computed from 4000 by 4099 log-likelihood matrix.

         Estimate    SE
elpd_loo -12990.0  97.3
p_loo      1185.2  40.4
looic     25980.0 194.7
MCSE of elpd_loo is NA.
MCSE and ESS estimates assume MCMC draws (r_eff in [0.1, 2.2]).

Pareto k diagnostic values:
                         Count Pct.    Min. ESS
(-Inf, 0.7]   (good)     3725  90.9%   56      
   (0.7, 1]   (bad)       303   7.4%   <NA>    
   (1, Inf)   (very bad)   71   1.7%   <NA>    
See help('pareto-k-diagnostic') for details.

A helpful glossary explaining the LOO statistics can be found here.

Different criteria are available, for example the elpd_loo is the expected log pointwise predictive density, and the looic = -2 * elpd_loo is the LOO information criterion. For comparing models, the looic is often used, where smaller numbers are better. it is kind of an equivalent to the AIC, but based on the LOO criterion.

Let’s e.g. compare the two models we fitted above, one for the whole dataset and one with the treatment arm as a covariate for the shrinkage and growth rates:

Show the code
fit <- add_criterion(fit, "loo")
Warning: Found 374 observations with a pareto_k > 0.7 in model 'fit'. We
recommend to set 'moment_match = TRUE' in order to perform moment matching for
problematic observations.
Show the code
fit_by_arm <- add_criterion(fit_by_arm, "loo")
Warning: Found 359 observations with a pareto_k > 0.7 in model 'fit_by_arm'. We
recommend to set 'moment_match = TRUE' in order to perform moment matching for
problematic observations.
Show the code
loo_compare(fit, fit_by_arm)
           elpd_diff se_diff
fit         0.0       0.0   
fit_by_arm -0.2       5.9   

So the model without treatment arm seems to be very slightly preferred here by the LOO criterion. Nevertheless, the model with treatment arm might answer exactly the question we need to answer, so it is important to consider the context of the analysis.

Tips and tricks

  • When the model breaks down completely, that is a sign that likely the model specification is wrong. For example, in above code I first did not understand how to model the sigma parameter correctly, which led to a model where each chain was completely stuck at its initial values.

  • In that case and in general if you are not sure whether the brms model specification is correct, you can check the Stan code that is generated by brms:

    Show the code
    # Good to check the stan code:
    # (This also helps to find the names of the parameters
    # for which to define the initial values below)
    stancode(formula, prior = priors, data = df, family = gaussian())
    // generated with brms 2.22.0
    functions {
    data {
      int<lower=1> N;  // total number of observations
      vector[N] Y;  // response variable
      int<lower=1> K_tau;  // number of population-level effects
      matrix[N, K_tau] X_tau;  // population-level design matrix
      int<lower=1> K_lb0;  // number of population-level effects
      matrix[N, K_lb0] X_lb0;  // population-level design matrix
      int<lower=1> K_lks;  // number of population-level effects
      matrix[N, K_lks] X_lks;  // population-level design matrix
      int<lower=1> K_lkg;  // number of population-level effects
      matrix[N, K_lkg] X_lkg;  // population-level design matrix
      // covariates for non-linear functions
      vector[N] C_ystar_1;
      // data for group-level effects of ID 1
      int<lower=1> N_1;  // number of grouping levels
      int<lower=1> M_1;  // number of coefficients per level
      array[N] int<lower=1> J_1;  // grouping indicator per observation
      // group-level predictor values
      vector[N] Z_1_lb0_1;
      // data for group-level effects of ID 2
      int<lower=1> N_2;  // number of grouping levels
      int<lower=1> M_2;  // number of coefficients per level
      array[N] int<lower=1> J_2;  // grouping indicator per observation
      // group-level predictor values
      vector[N] Z_2_lks_1;
      // data for group-level effects of ID 3
      int<lower=1> N_3;  // number of grouping levels
      int<lower=1> M_3;  // number of coefficients per level
      array[N] int<lower=1> J_3;  // grouping indicator per observation
      // group-level predictor values
      vector[N] Z_3_lkg_1;
      int prior_only;  // should the likelihood be ignored?
    transformed data {
    parameters {
      vector<lower=0>[K_tau] b_tau;  // regression coefficients
      vector[K_lb0] b_lb0;  // regression coefficients
      vector[K_lks] b_lks;  // regression coefficients
      vector[K_lkg] b_lkg;  // regression coefficients
      vector<lower=0>[M_1] sd_1;  // group-level standard deviations
      array[M_1] vector[N_1] z_1;  // standardized group-level effects
      vector<lower=0>[M_2] sd_2;  // group-level standard deviations
      array[M_2] vector[N_2] z_2;  // standardized group-level effects
      vector<lower=0>[M_3] sd_3;  // group-level standard deviations
      array[M_3] vector[N_3] z_3;  // standardized group-level effects
    transformed parameters {
      vector[N_1] r_1_lb0_1;  // actual group-level effects
      vector[N_2] r_2_lks_1;  // actual group-level effects
      vector[N_3] r_3_lkg_1;  // actual group-level effects
      real lprior = 0;  // prior contributions to the log posterior
      r_1_lb0_1 = (sd_1[1] * (z_1[1]));
      r_2_lks_1 = (sd_2[1] * (z_2[1]));
      r_3_lkg_1 = (sd_3[1] * (z_3[1]));
      lprior += normal_lpdf(b_tau | 0, 3)
        - 1 * normal_lccdf(0 | 0, 3);
      lprior += normal_lpdf(b_lb0 | log(65), 1);
      lprior += normal_lpdf(b_lks | log(0.52), 0.1);
      lprior += normal_lpdf(b_lkg | log(1.04), 1);
      lprior += normal_lpdf(sd_1 | 0, 3)
        - 1 * normal_lccdf(0 | 0, 3);
      lprior += normal_lpdf(sd_2 | 0, 3)
        - 1 * normal_lccdf(0 | 0, 3);
      lprior += normal_lpdf(sd_3 | 0, 3)
        - 1 * normal_lccdf(0 | 0, 3);
    model {
      // likelihood including constants
      if (!prior_only) {
        // initialize linear predictor term
        vector[N] nlp_tau = rep_vector(0.0, N);
        // initialize linear predictor term
        vector[N] nlp_lb0 = rep_vector(0.0, N);
        // initialize linear predictor term
        vector[N] nlp_lks = rep_vector(0.0, N);
        // initialize linear predictor term
        vector[N] nlp_lkg = rep_vector(0.0, N);
        // initialize non-linear predictor term
        vector[N] nlp_b0;
        // initialize non-linear predictor term
        vector[N] nlp_ks;
        // initialize non-linear predictor term
        vector[N] nlp_kg;
        // initialize non-linear predictor term
        vector[N] nlp_ystar;
        // initialize non-linear predictor term
        vector[N] mu;
        // initialize non-linear predictor term
        vector[N] sigma;
        nlp_tau += X_tau * b_tau;
        nlp_lb0 += X_lb0 * b_lb0;
        nlp_lks += X_lks * b_lks;
        nlp_lkg += X_lkg * b_lkg;
        for (n in 1:N) {
          // add more terms to the linear predictor
          nlp_lb0[n] += r_1_lb0_1[J_1[n]] * Z_1_lb0_1[n];
        for (n in 1:N) {
          // add more terms to the linear predictor
          nlp_lks[n] += r_2_lks_1[J_2[n]] * Z_2_lks_1[n];
        for (n in 1:N) {
          // add more terms to the linear predictor
          nlp_lkg[n] += r_3_lkg_1[J_3[n]] * Z_3_lkg_1[n];
        for (n in 1:N) {
          // compute non-linear predictor values
          nlp_b0[n] = (exp(nlp_lb0[n]));
        for (n in 1:N) {
          // compute non-linear predictor values
          nlp_ks[n] = (exp(nlp_lks[n]));
        for (n in 1:N) {
          // compute non-linear predictor values
          nlp_kg[n] = (exp(nlp_lkg[n]));
        for (n in 1:N) {
          // compute non-linear predictor values
          nlp_ystar[n] = (int_step(C_ystar_1[n] > 0) * (nlp_b0[n] * (exp( - nlp_ks[n] * C_ystar_1[n]) + exp(nlp_kg[n] * C_ystar_1[n]) - 1)) + int_step(C_ystar_1[n] <= 0) * (nlp_b0[n] * exp(nlp_kg[n] * C_ystar_1[n])));
        for (n in 1:N) {
          // compute non-linear predictor values
          mu[n] = (nlp_ystar[n]);
        for (n in 1:N) {
          // compute non-linear predictor values
          sigma[n] = exp(log(nlp_tau[n]) + log(nlp_ystar[n]));
        target += normal_lpdf(Y | mu, sigma);
      // priors including constants
      target += lprior;
      target += std_normal_lpdf(z_1[1]);
      target += std_normal_lpdf(z_2[1]);
      target += std_normal_lpdf(z_3[1]);
    generated quantities {

    Here e.g. it is important to see that the sigma parameter is modelled on the log scale.

  • We can also extract the actual data that is passed to the Stan program:

    Show the code
    # Extract the data that is passed to the Stan program
    stan_data <- standata(formula, prior = priors, data = df, family = gaussian())
    # Check that the time variable is correct
    all(stan_data$C_eta_1 == df$year)
    [1] TRUE

    This can be useful to check if the data is passed correctly to the Stan program.

  • It is important to take divergence warnings seriously. For the model parameters where Rhat is larger than 1.05 or so, you can just have a look at the traceplot. For example, in an earlier model fit the \(\log(\mu_{\phi})\) population parameter had this traceplot:

    Show the code
    fit_save <- fit
    plot(fit, pars = "b_tphi")
    Warning: Argument 'pars' is deprecated. Please use 'variable' instead.

    Show the code
    fit <- fit_save

    We see that two chains led to a \(\log(\mu_{\phi})\) value below 0, while two chains hovered around much larger values between 5 and 15, which corresponds to \(\mu_{\phi} = 1\). This shows that the model is rather overparametrized. By restricting the range of the prior for \(\log(\mu_{\phi})\) to be below 0, we could avoid this problem.

  • Providing manually realistic initial values for the model parameters can help to speed up the convergence of the Markov chains. This is especially important for the nonlinear parameters. You can get the names of the parameters from the Stan code above - note that you cannot use the names of the brms R code.

  • Sometimes it is not easy to get the dimensions of the inital values right. Here it can be helpful to change the backend to rstan, which provides more detailed error messages. You can do this by setting backend = "rstan" in the brm call.

  • When the Stan compiler gives you an error, that can be very informative: Just open the Stan code file that is mentioned in the error message and look at the line number that is mentioned. This can give you a good idea of what went wrong: Maybe a typo in the prior definition, or a missing semicolon, or a wrong dimension in the data block. With VScode e.g. this is very easy: Just hold Ctrl and click on the file name and number, and you will be taken to the right line in the Stan code.

  • In order to quickly get results for a model, e.g. for obtaining useful starting values or prior distributions, it can be worth trying the “Pathfinder” algorithm in brms. Pathfinder is a variational method for approximately sampling from differentiable log densities. You can use it by setting algorithm = "pathfinder" in the brm call. In this example it takes only a minute, compared to more than an hour for the full model fit. However, the results are still quite different, so it is likely only useful as a first approximation. Nevertheless, the individual model fits look quite encouraging, in the sense that they have found good parameter values - but they are still lacking any uncertainty, so could not be used for confidence or prediction intervals:

    Show the code
    fit_fast_file <- here("session-tgi/fit_fast.RData")
    if (file.exists(fit_fast_file)) {
    } else {
      fit_fast <- brm(
        formula = formula,
        data = df,
        prior = priors,
        family = gaussian(),
        init = rep(list(inits), CHAINS),
        chains = CHAINS, 
        iter = ITER + WARMUP, 
        warmup = WARMUP, 
        seed = BAYES.SEED,
        refresh = REFRESH,
        algorithm = "pathfinder"
      save(fit_fast, file = fit_fast_file)
     Family: gaussian 
      Links: mu = identity; sigma = log 
    Formula: sld ~ ystar 
             ystar ~ int_step(year > 0) * (b0 * (exp(-ks * year) + exp(kg * year) - 1)) + int_step(year <= 0) * (b0 * exp(kg * year))
             sigma ~ log(tau) + log(ystar)
             tau ~ 1
             b0 ~ exp(lb0)
             ks ~ exp(lks)
             kg ~ exp(lkg)
             lb0 ~ 1 + (1 | id)
             lks ~ 1 + (1 | id)
             lkg ~ 1 + (1 | id)
       Data: df (Number of observations: 4099) 
      Draws: 1 chains, each with iter = 1000; warmup = 0; thin = 1;
             total post-warmup draws = 1000
    Multilevel Hyperparameters:
    ~id (Number of levels: 701) 
                      Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
    sd(lb0_Intercept)     3.37      0.00     3.37     3.37   NA       NA       NA
    sd(lks_Intercept)     9.16      0.00     9.16     9.16   NA       NA       NA
    sd(lkg_Intercept)     6.90      0.00     6.90     6.90   NA       NA       NA
    Regression Coefficients:
                  Estimate Est.Error l-95% CI u-95% CI Rhat Bulk_ESS Tail_ESS
    tau_Intercept     0.13      0.00     0.13     0.13   NA       NA       NA
    lb0_Intercept     3.62      0.00     3.62     3.62   NA       NA       NA
    lks_Intercept    -0.49      0.00    -0.49    -0.49   NA       NA       NA
    lkg_Intercept    -0.66      0.00    -0.66    -0.66   NA       NA       NA
    Draws were sampled using pathfinder(). 
    Show the code
    df_sim <- df_subset |> 
        id = pt_subset, 
        year = seq_range(year, 101)
      ) |>
      add_linpred_draws(fit_fast) |> 
      median_qi() |> 
      mutate(sld_pred = .linpred)
    df_sim |>
      ggplot(aes(x = year, y = sld)) +
      facet_wrap(~ id) +
        aes(y = sld_pred, ymin = .lower, ymax = .upper),
        alpha = 0.3, 
        fill = "deepskyblue"
      ) +
      geom_line(aes(y = sld_pred), color = "deepskyblue") +
      geom_point(data = df_subset, color = "tomato") +
      coord_cartesian(ylim = range(df_subset$sld)) +
      scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Greys") +
      labs(title = "SF model fit (pathfinder approximation)")